Overview: MDMA, known as “Ecstasy” or “Molly,” has a complex history, transitioning from recreational use in the '60s and '70s to recent therapeutic exploration for PTSD. However, users commonly report a challenging MDMA comedown, marked by low mood and feelings of fatigue and irritability. The comedown is linked to serotonin depletion, leading to emotional and physical effects. A 2021 study challenges the notion of “Blue Mondays,” suggesting environmental factors influence comedowns. Practical strategies for managing the comedown include testing MDMA, avoiding substance mixing, hydration, breaks, stress reduction, and seeking support. Supplements like 5-HTP and L-Tryptophan are explored for potential relief, but caution is advised due to limited scientific evidence. Ongoing research discussions highlight the need for larger sample sizes for conclusive findings. Overall, informed and responsible MDMA use involves understanding its dual nature and adopting strategies for a safer and positive experience.
MDMA, commonly known as “Ecstasy” or “Molly,” traces its origins back to 1912 when Merck chemist Anton Köllisch first synthesized it in Darmstadt, Germany. With both stimulant and psychedelic-like effects, MDMA falls under the classification of an “entactogen,” which are a class of substances known for their ability to enhance empathy, emotional openness, and social bonding.
While MDMA gained popularity as a recreational substance in the late 1960s and early 1970s, particularly within the vibrant rave scene, it later found a niche among underground psychotherapists in the late 1970s. MDMA was distributed on a large scale in the 1980s, and was eventually banned in 1985.
However, recent clinical research spanning the last couple of decades has unveiled its therapeutic potential as an adjunct to psychotherapy, particularly for conditions such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Promising findings from early clinical studies led to MDMA being granted “Breakthrough Therapy” designation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of PTSD.
Following positive outcomes from recent phase 3 clinical trials, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) recently submitted a New Drug Application to the FDA for MDMA-assisted therapy in the treatment of PTSD. In the most recent study, over 70% of the participants that underwent MDMA-assisted therapy no longer met criteria for PTSD after treatment.
Despite its potential therapeutic benefits, MDMA use is not without its risks, and one commonly reported aspect is the MDMA comedown. The comedown refers to the period following the drug's typically pleasant effects, which is often characterized by feelings of fatigue, irritability, and emotional low.
Below, we explore the factors contributing to the MDMA comedown, shedding light on both physiological and psychological aspects, and discuss practical solutions and strategies that users can employ to alleviate these symptoms and make informed choices about their MDMA use.
Understanding the effects of MDMA on the brain involves learning about its interaction with neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers that play a crucial role in transmitting signals between nerve cells (neurons).
MDMA primarily acts on serotonin, norepinephrine, and, to a lesser extent, dopamine. Simply put, these neurotransmitters facilitate communication between brain cells, influencing mood, emotions, and various physiological processes.
When someone consumes MDMA, the drug increases the levels of these neurotransmitters in the brain, creating a unique blend of effects. This surge in the release of serotonin and other neurotransmitters is thought to be the main way in which MDMA produces heightened euphoria, empathy, trust, openness, emotional intimacy, and increased energy.
These effects make MDMA highly sought after in recreational settings like raves, electronic dance music concerts, and festivals, where it seems to synergize in an enjoyable and meaningful way with the music. The heightened sociability and personal enjoyment associated with MDMA contribute to its popularity in these environments.
Interestingly, the effects of MDMA have also shown promise in therapeutic settings, especially in the treatment of PTSD. The heightened sense of trust and emotional openness induced by MDMA allows individuals to establish a more effective connection with their therapists and, in turn, facilitates the processing of traumatic experiences.
This dual nature of MDMA, as both a recreational substance and a therapeutic tool, underscores its versatile uses, which are also very much dependent on the context in which it is used.
For example, in a recreational setting, such as at a party or music festival, MDMA is often used for its euphoric and empathogenic effects, enhancing social interactions and sensory experiences. However, in a therapeutic setting, such as in guided therapy sessions with trained professionals, MDMA is used to facilitate deep introspection, emotional processing, and healing, particularly in the treatment of conditions like PTSD.
Unfortunately, the very mechanisms that contribute to the sought-after effects of MDMA also play a significant role in the commonly reported unpleasant after-effects, known as the MDMA comedown. This phase occurs as the drug's effects gradually wear off and can last for just a brief period or even several days.
A key contributor to the comedown is the depletion of serotonin. As mentioned above, MDMA triggers a significant release of serotonin, which ultimately leads to a depletion of the brain's serotonin reserves and gives rise to a variety of emotional and physical after-effects.
The shortage of serotonin and other neurotransmitters often results in a general sense of unease and discomfort. Serotonin in particular plays a crucial role in mood regulation, and its depletion can lead to feelings of sadness, irritability, and anxiety.
The symptoms experienced during an MDMA comedown can vary but commonly include a combination of emotional, psychological, and physical effects. These symptoms typically persist for several days and may involve feelings of anxiety and depression, physical exhaustion, fatigue, difficulty sleeping (insomnia), mood swings and irritability, and cognitive impairments leading to a lack of concentration.
It's worth noting that while MDMA comedowns have been a commonly reported phenomenon associated with the use of MDMA, some researchers have recently suggested that it may be influenced more by the context in which recreational MDMA is used, rather than solely the direct effects of the drug on the brain.
In a 2021 study titled “Debunking the Myth of Blue Mondays,” researchers sought to unravel the phenomenon commonly known as “Blue Mondays,” which refers to the mood and cognition declines following MDMA use — the MDMA comedown.
The study examined the effects of MDMA-assisted therapy, administered in a controlled clinical context with therapeutic support, for alcohol use disorder. The researchers measured mood and a variety of other factors after the effects of MDMA had worn off.
According to the researchers, the participants in this study reported that they maintained a positive mood during the week following the MDMA experience. They argue that these findings suggest that MDMA comedowns may be more influenced by factors related to illicit MDMA use, such as:
The authors emphasize the importance of factors like using testing kits to ensure MDMA purity, understanding appropriate dosages, avoiding co-use with other substances, and moderating the frequency of MDMA use to minimize comedown effects and potential toxic effects — although it is deemed physically safe to use MDMA in moderation, long-term heavy use is associated with damage to serotonin neurons and the heart.
Notably, the authors conclude that MDMA administered in a clinical context, as seen in MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD or other mental health conditions, may not lead to the reported comedown, shedding light on the potential impact of environmental factors on this aspect of MDMA use.
However, scientific studies such as this often spark further discussion and scrutiny. Researchers at Leiden University in the Netherlands addressed concerns about the study on MDMA comedowns in a letter to the authors. Their expressed concerns revolved around the study's limited sample size, comprised of only 14 participants, as well as concerns about the methods used to analyze and interpret the findings.
While the study presented important insights, these concerns underscore the need for further research with larger and more diverse samples of participants to ensure more robust and reliable findings.
Navigating the aftermath of an MDMA experience involves thoughtful strategies to mitigate potential negative effects of the comedown. Whether it's ensuring the purity of the substance or adopting practices to support physical and emotional well-being, users can take proactive steps to enhance their overall experience.
Here, we delve into a set of practical strategies aimed at minimizing the impact of a potentially challenging MDMA comedown and promoting a safer and more positive engagement with the substance.
Strategies to minimize the negative effects of a harsh MDMA comedown include:
Testing MDMA: Verify the purity of MDMA by sending a sample to a lab (where possible, such as Energy Control) or using reagent testing kits. These kits provide a quick and accessible method for users to identify the presence of MDMA or potentially harmful adulterants in the sample. Reagent testing involves applying a chemical solution to a small sample, producing a color reaction that can help identify the presence of certain substances in the sample.
Careful Dosing: When using MDMA in powder/crystal form, ensure accurate dosing with a milligram scale; for pills, as dosage varies, always start conservatively with a quarter or half pill. Taking higher doses of MDMA can lead to more serotonin being released and a greater depletion of serotonin in your body afterwards, potentially affecting one’s ability to think clearly and perform regular bodily functions.
Avoiding Substance Mixing: It is advised that those taking antidepressant medications such as SSRIs, SNRIs, or MAOIs should avoid MDMA. These antidepressants also interact with serotonin, and mixing them can cause unpredictable and dangerous interactions. Refrain from combining MDMA with alcohol or other substances to reduce potential negative interactions and complications during the comedown.
Hydration: Stay hydrated to aid the body's recovery, but be cautious not to overdo it. Excessive water intake can lead to electrolyte imbalances, potentially resulting in a life-threatening condition known as hyponatremia. Striking the right balance is crucial. Consuming around 1 pint of non-alcoholic fluid every 2-3 hours is generally advised.
Taking Breaks: Pace yourself during events where MDMA is commonly used, such as music festivals. Resting and cooling down can prevent overheating and exhaustion, contributing to a more manageable comedown.
Reducing External Stressors: External stressors can exacerbate the negative aspects of a comedown. To minimize these stressors, it is recommended to plan MDMA use during periods of low stress, avoiding important deadlines or personal commitments.
Rest and Nutrition: Try to get adequate rest and sleep and consume nutrient-rich foods post-MDMA to support the body's recovery process.
Engaging in Relaxing Activities: Practice mindfulness activities like meditation, deep breathing exercises, taking a warm bath or walks in nature can calm the mind and reduce anxiety. Activities like reading, watching a movie, or pursuing a creative hobby can also help to improve mood and divert attention from discomfort and pass the time during the comedown.
Surrounding Yourself with Support: Being in the company of supportive friends can mitigate feelings of anxiety and low mood, providing valuable assistance during what can be a challenging time.
Expressing Emotions: Encourage open and honest communication to avoid bottling up emotions. Sharing and expressing feelings can provide relief and support emotional well-being during the comedown.
Supplementation is a topic often explored by individuals seeking ways to possibly mitigate the negative effects of MDMA comedowns. Numerous resources discuss the use of supplements to prevent or reduce the unpleasant side effects associated with the aftermath of MDMA use.
It's important to note, however, that these recommendations are largely based on anecdotal experience, meaning they rely on personal accounts rather than reliable scientific evidence.
Some individuals opt for supplements like the amino acids L-Tryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) during the comedown phase. These substances are considered precursors to serotonin (a substance that the body can use to produce serotonin), potentially aiding in the restoration of serotonin levels. It's crucial to understand, though, that there is limited scientific research supporting the efficacy and safety of these supplements in the context of MDMA comedowns.
Researchers caution that the use of these supplements has not been firmly established as safe and effective. If considering their use, individuals are advised to proceed with caution, adhere to recommended dosages, and, most importantly, consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance. This approach ensures a more informed and responsible use of supplements within the context of MDMA use.
In conclusion, the use of MDMA has a complex history serving primarily both recreational and therapeutic purposes. The drug's resurgence in clinical research for conditions like PTSD has sparked renewed interest and potential breakthroughs in mental health treatment.
However, the MDMA experience is not without its challenges, and one frequently reported aspect is the MDMA comedown. This phase, marked by fatigue, irritability, and emotional lows, is often associated with the depletion of serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain.
Recent studies have examined the phenomenon of MDMA comedowns, challenging the perception that they are inevitable. Environmental factors, such as substance purity, dosage control, and co-use with other substances, may play a significant role in influencing the severity of the comedown. Yet, ongoing discussions about study methodologies and sample sizes emphasize the need for more comprehensive research in this area.
For users navigating the aftermath of an MDMA experience, practical strategies can help minimize potential negative effects. From testing MDMA purity and avoiding substance mixing to maintaining hydration and engaging in relaxing activities, individuals can take proactive steps to minimize the negative effects of a comedown.
Supplementation, particularly the use of amino acids like L-Tryptophan and 5-HTP, has been explored as a means to mitigate comedown effects. However, it's crucial to approach these recommendations with caution, as scientific evidence supporting their efficacy and safety is limited. Consulting a healthcare professional for personalized guidance ensures a more informed and responsible approach to supplement use within the context of MDMA consumption.
In the evolving landscape of MDMA research and use, an informed approach is strongly urged. Users, researchers, and healthcare professionals alike can contribute to a safer and more understanding engagement with MDMA, acknowledging both its potential benefits and the importance of responsible use.
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Dr. Ana Holmes, Physican, Philadelphia, US